concept visualisation

Developing and refining concepts for media and advertising through iterative sketching

As a visual artist I work with your creative teams to “flesh out” concepts by iterating the ideas to fruition. By doing so I help agencies pre-visualise ideas which will be presented to the client and realised. I take pride in iterating on ideas fast: I sketch out visual translations quickly, and support the creative team steer concepts in a visually compelling direction. A rought first draft can often be done in as little as 15-30 minutes, allowing the creative teams and directors to quickly determine which concepts are worth exploring further.


Transforming a written script or concept into a sequence of images to pre-visualise tv-ads, online video, brand movies animation, motion graphics and much more

I sketch storyboards based on an elaborate script, a vague briefing and anything in between. While I sketch the storyboard I’m working on several things: dynamic angles, flow of action, variation in shots, clarity of story and action, contrast and style My goal while storyboarding is not simply to create visuals to sell the client on the idea, but also to provide the production crews with an invaluable tool which helps them focus on production because the major creative decisions have already been made in pre-visualisation.


Custom illustrations for editorial, advertising, Point-of-sales, infographics, product manuals etc.

I create custom illustrations in both traditional or digital media and different art styles dependent on the look and feel of the brand or context of publication.

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